martes, 14 de agosto de 2012



Formación de grupos ( Se hará en clase)
Se agruparán de 3 o 4 alumnas siguiendo las bases del ICTYS y en respuesta al tema: Reconciliación.
Elección del experimento (las niñas lo eligen y los padres pueden sugerir y ayudarlas en lo necesario).
Se les ha entregado a las niñas en su fólder marrón las bases del ICTYS. Además, en este blog, hay una serie de experimentos sugeridos para que elijan. Sin embargo, pueden elegirlo de otros medios que deberán alcanzar a su maestra de Science oportunamente.

Elección del experimento 
El nombre del experimento se entregará la 4ta semana del 2do Bimestre.


Planeamiento del trabajo (August 6th -24th)

Le alcanzarán a la maestra una hoja con los detalles del experimento. Para la tercera semana de agosto (en clase).
La infomación debe incluir:

Nombre del proyecto (Project)
Nombres de los integrantes (Participants) Por qué elegí este experimento. (State the problem)
Objetivo del experimento (Objective).
Materiales (Materials)
Procedimiento (Procedure)
Conclusión (Conclusion)

Ejecución del trabajo (September  3rd- 7th)

Redacción  de la parte escrita siguiendo el modelo del Método Científico, (los pasos hechos en el primer bimestre).

Repartición de los temas para la exposición. ( En clase).

Traer los materiales. Cada grupo deberá traer sus materiales con la caja forrada y decorada libremente.  La caja deberá contener a parte de los materiales un rollo de papel toalla un wettex. El tamaño de la caja debe ajustarse a la cantidad de materiales que contenga.

Elaboración de los experimentos o proyectos. En caso de las maquetas, deberán traerlas hechas.

Realización de los experimentos en clase.

Práctica de la exposición. (En clase).

Presentación de los experimentos y exposición ( September 15th-18th).
Elección de Semifinalistas en esta fechas.

Presentación de los Finalistas (October 15-19).

Miss Paola Alcalde
Science Teacher- Villa Caritas
4th  Grade

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012



The Earth spins around an imaginary line passing through its center. This imaginary line is called the axis.

The spinning of the Earth is called ROTATION. 

The Earth rotates around once in 24 hours - that's a rate of 1000 miles per hour!. The time it takes for the Earth to rotate completely around once is what we call a day. It's Earth's rotation 

that gives us night and day.

What is the exact time in which earth complete 1 rotation on its axis ?

 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds. This is called the sideral time. That is the time it takes Earth to make 1 full rotation. 


Throughout the year, as our small blue planet orbits the Sun, many parts of the Earth experience changing seasons. The warm Spring brings new flowers and young animals. This is followed by a hot Summer filled with vacations, hikes, and outdoor swimming. Following Summer is another warm season known as Autumn, where leaves turn beautiful shades of reds and browns before falling from their trees. Finally, after all of these warmer seasons, comes one that is cold, wet, and dry, known as Winter.



What causes the changes that we see throughout the seasons? Why is the Winter cold, and the Summer hot? Notice that the axis of the Earth is tilted slightly. This causes part of the Earth to lean towards the Sun, while part of it is hidden either beneath the Earth, or above it, causing different parts of the Earth’s surface to receive a different amount of sunlight and heat. As the Earth moves around its orbit, the portion leaning towards the Sun changes. Throughout part of the year, the bottom half of the Earth, or Southern Hemisphere leans out towards the Sun, causing the top half of the Earth, or the Northern Hemisphere to lean away from the Sun. During this time of year, the Southern Hemisphere gets more light and heat, which causes it to be warmer. The effect is that the Southern Hemisphere enjoys Summer. At the same time, the Northern Hemisphere receives less light and heat, making it cooler. While the Southern Hemisphere enjoys Summer, the Northern Hemisphere is in the midst of Winter. As the Earth continues along its orbit around the Sun, the angle that the Earth’s axis tilts changes. Eventually the Northern Hemisphere faces the Sun, and the Southern Hemisphere leans away. During this time of the year, it is the Northern Hemisphere’s turn to enjoy Summer.